唱片相關 Albums

我们真与孙燕姿近距离接触的证据。。。 Proof that we really had close encounter with Stefanie Sun…



After sharing with you so much about us meeting with and talking to Stefanie Sun Yan Zi, etc… someone asked : where are the photos…?
Hmm… I was thinking whether this question was out of curiosity or suspicion… haha…
But I can’t blame them too for if it was me, I would be suspicious too, after all meeting a superstar and to be able to have tea and chat with them is really not an everyday occurence (unless when The Remnant have become very famous)…

Yet that day Stefanie requested for us not to take any picture of hers as she said she did not put on make-up, we lost our chance to have any proof of the meeting!
Just as well we found one proof later, and that is…

终于录完唱片回家了! Finally going home after finishing recording my album!




最后才录“这到底是谁”,Kenn 的编曲非常棒、很有感觉,我非常喜欢。。。

这次专辑有很多不同风格,Kenn 的确是一个很好的制作人,指示及设计我的唱法,学了很多功课。。。



Finally I finished recording the last two songs : “Fill My Heart Again” and “Who Is This Really?”… and I can go home now, I’m very grateful!

This time recording we faced the problem of the next door neighbour doing renovation work, so it was very noisy throughout, and if we were to wait till they stopped work to start recording, that would be after 6pm! How could we ver finish recording then? So we could only pray for some quiet intervals in between to quickly record some during that time… and God heard our prayer too, we managed to smoothly complete our recording despite the seemingly limited time, praise the Lord!

“Fill My Heart Again” is a “veteran” song as it was written when I was still a student in New Zealand and when I began my song-writing attempt… One day as I was listening to and singing along our church’s live recording of this song, suddenly tears welled up in my eyes as I recalled my spiritual condition during that period of my life when I wrote this song… And I looked at how God had preserved me till this day, that was why I felt so touched and shed tears… After that I told Jaydon I must record this song and asked him to arrange this song… There was really a lot of “feel” when I recorded this song today, and Sister Mei Lan happened to drop by for a visit and she listened and was very touched too…

Finally I recorded “Who Is This Really”, Kenn’s arrangement is very nice, has a lot of “feel”, I like it very much…

This album has a lot of different genres, and Kenn is really a good producer in guiding and shaping my singing, I leant a lot…

Hearing so much of my sharing, I believe you must be eagerly awaiting the release of this album? Haha, me too, self-advertising…

But there is still some post-production work to be done, hopefully can officially release the album by June, meanwhile do wait patiently, haha…

严重身份混乱的愚昧人。。。 Serious identity crisis of a fool…


Yesterday half way through recording, I forgot who I actually was!
Even my recording engineer cum producer was confused!!
But don’t worry, I’m back to normal now…
What actually happened yesterday???