教会相关 Church

今天去实兆远! Going to Sitiawan today!

Been a while I did not go to area around Sitiawan and Pangkor, making a comeback today!


So, Sitiawan, I’m coming…
Please contact the respective churches for details, thanks!

实兆远卫理公会/Sitiawan Pioneer Methodist Church: 6920612
邦咯卫理公会/Pangkor Methodist church: 6853034
安顺卫理公会/Teluk Intan Methodist Church: 6225873

漸漸成形。。。 Taking shape gradually…



Today I had another meeting with the committee and the representatives of our construction work…
Generally I have no knowledge in this area and normally I would not be interested in such thing too, but God has assigned me to this task, so I have to undertake it responsibly…



Thank God for His grace that He gave me very capable, one-hearted leaders, committee etc to assist me, only then could we proceed smoothly with this mighty project.



After inspecting the construction work each time, you can only give thanks to God for being so gracious to us…




What already looks like a huge building gradually taking shape is in fact just the first stage, it is not even half the size of the second stage!
So when the entire construction is completed, we will be even more grateful to God for His mercy on us!


Stage one should be completed by September, by that time we can move into our new home already! Are you excited?




While you are full of expectancy and excitement, do not ever forget to pray for the committee and leaders who are working very hard for our church-building, and be even more grateful and obedient!
Never ever forget, behind your comfort and enjoyment, there are people working hard for you…


美丽成功的生命。。。 Beautiful and successful life…


I think a beautiful and successful life is one that gives people joy and encouragement while alive, and similarly continues to bring people comfort and joy when leaving the world…
Aunty Gan gave me this thought, she… left this world to go to heaven yesterday…



Few months ago Aunty Gan was found to have contracted final stage cancer but she was never panicky or complaining, she continued to be thankful to God, and always encouraged brothers and sisters to love and trust in God… When she was feeling some discomfort or pain, she would pray and the pain would disappear. If she had the strength to get up or sustain, she would come to church to worship with Uncle Gan, and would join the house group for the elderly too. Something very encouraging, on November 28th last year, they arrived at the sports stadium to wait as early as 6am together with everyone else…






Actually I planned to visit Aunty Gan yesterday, but I was caught up by meeting and work, and was delayed till I did not have time to go over… Then at evening time I received news that she had passed away! I felt my heart pierced like a knife and of course felt very remorseful… I kept blaming myself inside as to why I was not sensitive enough, why could I not offer up more of my time…. I was feeling very sad as I was driving to her house.

Upon reaching her house, her daughter’s words encouraged me immediately. I told her I regretted not coming to visit today, she asked me not to feel bad as her mother had been telling her that she knew the pastor loves her a lot… Such an considerate elder! I very seldom visited her and yet she did not complain and she said she understood I was busy, and kept telling her daughter she knew that the pastor loves her dearly…

When I looked at her face, she was so at peace and beautiful, I know she is happy, I know she is now in heaven, my heart is greatly comforted…
Aunty Gan, encouraged me when she was alive and encouraged me still when she left…

O God, thank You for giving me such a kind elder to bless me in this journey of serving You.


Thank God for giving me the opportunity to visit Aunty Gan and had a photograph taken with her on the first day of Chinese New Year last month…
Below is Uncle Gan, who is also a very humble, faithful and encouraging elder to me…