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考试奇景(2):乐龄也不放过。。。 Amazing Bible Test pictures (2): Not letting the elderly go too…



All are equally elderly but why do some become senile while others not?
Have you ever thought as to why some scholars, business people, politicians etc, though elderly, their mind is still very clear and they are still very capable in doing things? In contrary, some who are very free at home or those already “retired” having nothing to do seem to suffer from severe memory losses, and even become seriously senile?

Of course there are many different reasons, but from my own observation, one of the most obvious reasons has to do with how much you are using your brains…
As a pastor, one of my desires is to see the “senile” condition of the church greatly reduced, that is why I “force” the elderly folks to sit for the test too! It might appear cruel, but it is really good for them, and our church’s elderly folks are very happy to participate too…

The majority of the members in the Hokkien and Hakka Fellowships in our church are old people… Our faithful Ah Hee is the Hokkien Leader, he was leading the praise and worship that night, on his right is brother Kenny interpreting into Hakka… They are both my beloved and capable helpers…

I told the old folks their mind will be clear if they meditate on the word of God, then it is not easy to become senile; I often tell my mum that too, see how serious my eldest brother was in instructing my mum concerning our special test paper for the elderly…

The Senior Citizens’ Paper is simpler, and as many of them are illiterate, I had to recite and act out each question and answer so they could answer amidst their laughter… but some would still simply answer as they had never been to school and totally have no concept of what a test is whatsoever…

But seeing how serious they all were, you would know they value God’s word, and they are very humble and obedient old people…

And this is Uncle Gan, our most faithful pioneer who was there at the Hokkien Fellowship from the very beginning…

And this is his beloved whom we call Aunty Gan…

Not just Hokkien and Hakka, this one needed Foochow interpretation…

Aunty Yue Lian is 84 and she normally dances and jumps too during praise…

Hmm… are these two helping each other?

All so focussed till they did not realize their photos were secretly taken…

Some more below… very touching, right? May the Lord greatly bless these innocent elderly folks, Amen!

考试奇景(1)。。。 Amazing Bible Test pictures (1)…

This church has an interesting phenomenon, sometimes there aren’t that many people coming to house group meetings, but how come all turned up for the test? Haha!

Really no space for everyone!

From the stage to the ground…

From upstairs till downstairs…

Downstairs to upstairs…

How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in unity… old classmates…

The king watched the hand as it wrote. His face turned pale and he was so frightened…

All the wise men could not read the writing or tell the king what it meant…

Look at the eyes, he was clearly peeping at the answers of his neighbour…

Err… this one is “The Spring” in the toilet…

There are many more touching and funny photos, please wait patiently…

只是想想罢了,就发生了!! Just a simple thought and it happened!!


Last September while I brought The Remnant over to Taiwan, I took time off to buy some coats at the night market, I bought quite a few at one go as they were very nice and rather cheap too…
Among them are these few…

I wore to Singapore for evangelistic concerts…

I wore for my birthday dinner…


Of course there are others still, but soon they have all been worn…
Yesterday afternoon I was looking at my coats hanging in my wardrobe and thinking: It seems I won’t have any new coat to wear for the Sunday service tomorrow, just a simple passing thought, not that I must wear a new coat each Sunday, that will be too much!

But it was just a simple passing thought, and God heard it! I immediately received a text message from a brother who has been very good to me that said: I’ve just returned from KL and brought back many coats for you, so I must hand them to you today… contact me if you are home.
As a result, I have an additional six new coats!

What I wore to church to preach today is one of them…


What I really want to say is: If for such a simple passing thought regarding something not so important, and yet our Father God would take note and give it to you, why then do you worry if it is something very important that you need?
The fact that Father God loves me so much also makes me feel kind of ashamed, as He is so good to me but I am not as good to Him, sigh! May God have mercy on me…

“他用美物使你所愿的得以知足。。。” -诗篇 103:5
“He satisfies your desires with good things…” – Psalm 103:5

“神能照着运行在我们心里的大力,充充足足地成就一切,超过我们所求所想的。” -以弗所书 3:20
“Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us…” – Ephesians 3:20