Tag Archive - 回忆往事,感人故事,盼望,上帝的怜悯

小举动,大感动。。。 Small act, deep impact…








He is often quite jovial and mischievous, quite often the fun of the party…
He is rather creative and talented, knows music, can sing, draw etc, and is a computer genius…
He can be considered quite successful, has his own business and quite popular with friends.

One year on his birthday, I cannot remember whose idea it was, we went for supper together…
Just an ordinary coffee shop, no special programme, just a group of friends having supper together, and we all ordered our own food.
Someone brought along a small cake to give him a little “surprise”… To me, this kind of “celebration” is at the most ordinary level, it cannot even be considered a “celebration”.
We talked, joked and went home after supper. I did notice he was not his usual noisy and talkative self…

Upon reaching home, I received his text message, he said:
Thank you all so much! I was really surprised that you all celebrated my birthday for me, no one ever celebrated my birthday for me, so I was very touched and did not know what to say or how to respond… but just to say thanks so much…

he even said he was almost moved to tears! I mean for someone who always seems so confident like him?!

I think to many of us a birthday cake or gift is not really a big deal anymore, in fact we can even be very fussy about them. But as a matter of fact, many people never ever had anyone celebrating their birthday for them, nor received any gift for that matter!
I think helping to plan a little surprise or giving a small gift to someone should be quite easy for many of us, right?

Sometimes what is to us a tiny and easy act may mean a great deal to others, and may touch their hearts in a very deep way without us realizing. Just a very simple act but it can have a deep impact, we had better get up and act quickly…




一直到最後我們都沒有再講話。。。 Till the very end, we did not speak to each other again…











There was no big quarrel or fight, just some tiny childhood misunderstanding, just for that we did not speak to each other ever again…

He was actually my childhood companion and good friend. We were only in primary school then. One day as we were having some badminton game, over some rule he became very angry with me and had a small argument with me. After that he did not speak to me again.

Actually children have quarrels all the time but they reconcile again very fast, just I do not know why we never spoke to each other ever again after that! I realised children can hold grudges for a long time too. As the silence prolonged, I began to feel awkward too and did not know how to befriend him again.

Few years later I left home to pursue my secondary education in Kuching, and that truly broke off my contact with him completely. I would only go back to my hometown once every few years, and because it was a small town, we inevitably would bump into each other. I somehow felt he did not seem very friendly towards me, so I did not take the initiative to greet him or reconcile too. As the years went by, the number of times I came home greatly reduced. After my return from overseas, I continued to live in Kuching and very seldom went home, so I had no more attachment with the people, environment and happenings in my hometown…

It must have been more than twenty years later, one day when my mum came out from our hometown to visit, she suddenly told me he had committed suicide and died… I was very shocked! I could not believe and felt sad and sorrowful…
I was already a preacher by then, this friend still appeared in my mind many times. He was very superstitious since young, so I had often thought if I had a chance, I would go home to reconcile with him and share the Gospel with him, but I never had the chance again…

Because mum was familiar with them, mum said he had all along been very superstitious, and even became a monk for a short period, and later worshipped many idols as well. It appeared that he was searching for some comfort in his soul. Sources said the day before he killed himself, he seemed to lose hope in everything, he put all his idols in a pile and destroyed them all and  he drank pesticide to kill himself after that! He did not die immediately after his suicide attempt, during the few days he struggled with death, mum visited him in the hospital, he could not speak anymore by then. Mum persuaded him to believe in Jesus, he used to be very resistant but mum said this time he seemed to listen , and with teary eyes agreed for mum to pray for him.

He died few days later…

I have some regret in my heart, he was such a lonely and pitiful man, why did I not speak to him at all again?
Childhood companion, the fun, laughter, memories all flash across my mind, I can still remember once I almost drowned while swimming in the river and it was him who saved my life…
And just over a small game, a little misunderstanding, losing a friend for that, is it worth it?

May we share our love with others whenever we have a chance, quickly do what our hearts prompt us to do, do not delay further or we might regret later.
May God have mercy on him too that at that very last moment when mum was persuading him to believe in Jesus, I pray that his heart did call on the name of the Lord…


那一天他的简讯。。。孩子回到天上了。。。 His sms that day… the baby has returned to heaven…






February 26th, 2008…

In a most difficult situation, his wife finally conceived… but the baby was only five months old in the womb and condition grew bad, she could not stay in the womb any longer…
Seeing that the baby’s life was stopping, the doctor had no choice but to induce the baby to come out, otherwise she would stop breathing inside as well…

He texted me at 10:22am…
“Our baby is playing with Lord Jesus here. Soon she will be with the Lord forever in heaven. I told my baby heaven is a very beautiful place, we will know you are our baby and you will know we are your dad and mum one day in heaven………. Don’t worry about us, pastor, we still trust the Lord Jesus and will serve with a thankful heart. Tq pastor…”

The 2nd sms came at 4:37pm :

” I saw the baby came out during delivery with her last breath. I accompanied her to the mortuary by carrying her with my own arms and prayed. Along the way, I talked to her and said you must be very pretty when we meet in heaven. Thank God my wife is at peace as she believes everything is in God’s hands. As for me, I still want to follow Christ and be His vessel…”

God surely saw your heart and heard your prayer, Philip, He is well pleased with you.
We love both of you very much and will surely stand by  you always… we are certainly encouraged by your faith and strength…..
God will surely bless you!