
以小人之心度君子之腹。。。To gauge the heart of a gentleman with one’s own mean measure…


Sometimes certain pictures seem unclear or blurred, and we cannot see very clearly, then we had better not simply jump to our own conclusion… but somehow human beings tend to be more inclined to conclude negatively!
What is worse, an originally noble act can be misinterpreted by some suspicious people as something horrible, and consequently tarnishing the good reputation of some noble people…





There is a Chinese proverb that says:
“To gauge the heart of a gentleman with one’s own mean measure” meaning: Judging unfairly a noble person with own despicable mind.
This is a very good reminder for all of us!






There was once, a father and daughter, because of their noble characters and good image, were invited on stage for a “prize-draw” programme… There were more than a thousand slips of paper with all the guests’ names on them, the guests would win a prize if their name was drawn out…
The atmosphere was good and happy, many gifts were given away…





But an unnecessary episode happened…
While the programme was in  progress, some guests got up and left angrily, and spread some rumour which they thought was the truth, and severely damaged the reputation of this pair of father and daughter!




The fact was these guests saw some scenes and they simply jumped to their own judgement and damaged the reputation of the father and daughter…
During the drawing out of names, the father and daughter team found that the names they drew out were their own name or their family members’… When they saw that, they signalled to each other and smiled and threw the names back into the box without thinking much of it as they thought it was not very nice to take the prize themselves and they had better give others a chance.
But because there were a lot of prizes to be given away, after a while, incidentally they still drew out their family members’ names. When the MC saw that, he said softly to them on stage: Well, I guess God really wants to bless you, just receive the blessing!

Only then, the father and daughter accepted. However, those guests with a “mean thought” spread the rumour and said the father and daughter threw back other people’s names but announced own names to receive the prizes! That was completely the opposite!



So I say:
O people! Do not simply speak when you do not know the truth!
What you see with your eyes may not be the truth, and why must the thought in your heart be something wicked?

我大哥阿仁,你没看过的一面。。。 My big brother Jin, the side you have never seen…

This is my eldest brother, Jin, he is older than me by eleven years.
Do you think we look alike?


Our church people may not be so familiar with my brother, or have the impression that he is lot quieter than me. Yes, in actual fact, he does not speak as much as I do…


But actually he is also quite talented, and can be quite comical too…


Last year when celebrating my mum’s birthday, he surprised all of us, we saw the crazy side of him!
He said he wanted to sing an oldie that mum likes, but because he does not read Chinese, so he had to look at the Romanized characters…


As he sang, he got more and more into the song,  and was totally immersed in it…


Of course he made my mum very happy, and made every guest laugh heartily as well!


Thank God that my big brother really added to the joyous atmosphere of the birthday celebration…
I really give thanks for my wonderful family!


超级搞怪!真受不了!! Super crazy! Can’t stand him!!


This is our Apple Genie, Hen, to say he is the Stephen Chow of Kuching is really not over-exaggerating…
Look at that face, wonder what he is thinking in his mind!




The whole month when everyone was training hard for the race, he did not appear. Then suddenly on the last two days, he released news that he had already trained well to hold on tightly to the other runners’ legs so they could not run…
Always very good at coming up with crazy ideas!
Look at which direction he was running…




Then “bang” it went!
Look at him! Really can’t stand him!
Everyone would laugh and who could still have the strength to run? Very cunning! Hahahaha!!!


他们是飞鹰队,口号是“We are Eagles WIN! You are chicken wings!!”
主题歌是:teng teng teng teng teng…..

Their team is called “The Eagles” and their slogan is “We are Eagles WIN! You are chicken wings!!”
Their theme song is: teng teng teng teng teng….


This is their leader YB Chee Yong, real funny guy too!