國外佈道會 Out reach

林义忠最新出炉的样子。。。 GT’s latest look…




One more week or so and I’m flying to Canada and the USA for meetings, but I haven’t even booked my tickets, and Canadian visa not applied yet!

My travel agent said might be too late if I delayed some more… so I rushed to take some photo just a while ago to apply for visa…

No preparation, no choice… just had my haircut yesterday, and been fasting these three days…

So this is my most recent and most natural look…

Still ok I hope? The skin looks very clean, haha…

Any difference from the “me” four or five years ago below?… sigh, time waits for no man…

遇到“娘家”的俊贤(宋逸民)。。。 Met Taiwanese Hokkien series actor…

Early March we went to Jakarta for evangelistic concerts, on the 4th (Thur) evening we were free, so we attended the concert of another team, there we met and got to know famous Taiwanese TV actors, twin brothers, Song Yi Min and Song Da Min…

两兄弟都长得高高帅帅,有点像我们自己的双胞胎兄弟 David and Danny Q…
Both brothers are tall and handsome, quite similar to our own twins D&D…
(From right) Song Yi Min, Da Min, Yi Zhong, and GoodTV host Pastor Kou Shao En…

They all have very good testimonies, we prayed for and blessed each other…

The Remnant were there too that day, again Daniel was absent…

After that all squeezed in…

If we have a chance, will invite them to share in our church…

又见佳人。。。 Meeting the beauty again…

Wow, in this not very clear picture, who is that beauty who hugged me so warmly and happily…?

Oh, it’s the famous veteran actress who is like a big sister to me, the “renowned beauty” Cattleya Tang Lan Hua… We met in Jakarta in support of her concert…

I had watched her movies since I was a kid… now she believes in Jesus and she is still very attractive…

The Remnant fought to take photo with her too, and pused me to the side! How daring!… only Daniel was absent as he went back to Kuching for work, so I replaced him…

Actually our church’s Area Chief is good-looking too…

And Young Adults’ Area Leader Anna, abandoning the other three dancers for herself…

And the three did not concede defeat!

Even Michael followed all their examples!

Finally everyone squeezed in!

Christians must always remember to support and pray for each other… On the right is our good friend, Yao Yao…

No matter how tired, we must still pray… see Rambo about to fall asleep…