國外佈道會 Out reach

结束了温哥华的聚会。。。 Vancouver meetings ended…


明天将有两天休息,跟朋友到滑雪胜地 Whistler,会住在我的“豪宅朋友”的饭店,听说山上的温度是零下几度哦。。。虽然朋友说要安排教练指导我滑雪,我还是拒绝了因每个人学习过程中都会摔倒,我担心不小心受伤而影响下星期在美国的服事。。。星期三就飞纽约了。。。

The 3-day meetings in Vancouver have ended, thank God that souls are saved and people encouraged. But because I am still adjusting to my jetlag, I still have funny feelings like dizziness or head feeling heavy so I could not even discern whether I sang well or not… my comfort is seeing souls saved and many who came to thank me for my sharing encouraged them. To God be the glory!
Will share the photos of my ministry here with you later…

Going to have 2-day break tomorrow, going with friends to a ski resort, Whistler and will be staying at my “mansion friend”‘s hotel. I heard that the temperature on the mountain is below zero…Though my friend wanted to arrange for a coach to teach me to ski, I refused because everyone would fall while learning and I am worried that I might accidentally injure myself and hence affect my upcoming meetings in USA next week… flying to New York on Wednesday…

Taken at a park in Vancouver…

带你们逛逛我的家。。。 Take you for a tour of my house…



There is a time difference of 15 hours between Canada and Malaysia, night and day all upside down, so even though I have been here a few days, am still feeling semi-conscious sometimes, still adjusting to the jetlag…

Alright, will take you for a tour of “my house” today, hahaha…

The day I arrived, was so tired so I fell asleep quickly…

Got up in the morning, looking at the scenery outside the window…

How? Very attractive scenery, right?

I realise the place I stay is on top of a hill facing the sea…

Let’s see the inside of the house… we have our breakfast here…

Enjoying the view of a beautiful garden while having breakfast…

I can’t remember how many lounges there are… this is only one of them…

There is also a heated indoor swimming pool, what a shame I did not bring my swimming trunks…

The owner is very low key,
very humble and very gracious to me, may God remember and protect my good friend always…

抵达我温哥华的“家”。。。 Arriving at “my home” in Vancouver…


It was already night time when I arrived at Vancouver, embarking from Kuching, in transit in KL and Taipei and finally arriving at Vancouver, all in all not less than 24 hours of travelling!
So I was exhausted, with the jetlag and 15 hours’ difference between Kuching and Vancouver, had a quick dinner with friends and the driver sent me home, I fell asleep in the car…
After a distance, we reached the gate of the house on the hill and I woke up but I was semi-conscious and had forgotten where and why I was…
When I regained my consciousness, the driver and I carried my pieces of luggage to my room…

This is my room, very thick and white carpet, very comfortable…

Very comfortable bed…

Small fire place on the left… but the weather is not too cold, above 10 degrees…

Very good bathroom… and there is a small bathtub but I don’t use it…

Self-photographed in the bathroom to prove I was there, haha…

Then? Boy, was I tired, fell asleep straight away…

Hmm, strange? Who took a picture of me sleeping?… arghh, I can’t be bothered, I’m too tired, haha…