
2009-2010 蒙福诗歌排名与票数。。。 2009-2010 Blessed Top Songs and no. of votes

2009蒙福诗歌排名与票数 / 2009 Blessed Top Songs and no. of votes

排名 /


歌名 / Song Title 票数

No. of Votes

1. 上帝在乎我 / Tuhan Peduli(词曲: Jonathan Prawira / : GT Lim) 620
2. 快乐 / kuai le(: GT LIm / : Jaydon Joo) 548
3. 啊哟哟 / ai yo yo(词曲: GT Lim) 471
4. 回到伊甸园 / hui dao yi dian yuan(: GT Lim / : D & D Q) 438
5. 不是梦 / bu shi meng(词曲: GT Lim) 409
6. 我神真伟大 / How Great is our God(词曲: Chris Tomlin / : GT Lim) 229
7. 轻烟/qing yan(词曲: GT Lim) 211
8. 沙漠中的骆驼 / sha mo zhong de luo tuo(词曲: 凡口草) 188
9. 尊贵王 / Majesty(词曲: Stuart Garrard & Martin Smith / : GT Lim) 166
10. 牵我的手 / Pegang tanganku(词曲译: GT Lim) 161
11. 来指引我 / Come and Guide me(词曲译: GT Lim) 153
12. 称颂祢圣名 / Blessed be Your name(词曲: Beth & Matt Redman / : GT Lim) 128
13. 直到主耶稣再来时候 / zhi dao zhu ye su zai lai shi hou(词曲: 高享原 / : 张汉业) 104
14. 车站 / che zhan(词曲: GT Lim) 77
15. 有一天 / you yi tian(词曲: 盛晓玫) 75
16. 是祢 / shi ni(: GT Lim, D & D Q / : D & D Q) 73
17. 得胜者 / de sheng zhe(词曲: D & D Q) 65
18. 这是我的渴望 / This is my desire (Lord, I give You my heart)(词曲: Reuben Morgan / : GT Lim) 63
19. 水仙花的身影 / shui xian hua de shen ying(: 盖恩妇人, GT Lim / : GT Lim) 58
20. 我心要依靠祢 / My heart will trust(词曲: Reuben Morgan / : GT Lim) 57
21. 感恩 / gan en(词曲: 陈昌良) 56
22. 随凤飘 / sui feng piao(词曲: GT Lim) 55
23. 云上太阳 / yun shang tai yang(: 吴幸肃、巫婧茹 / : 巫婧茹) 44
24. 在耶稣里得刚强 / Dalam Yesus(词曲: Sari Simorangkir / : GT Lim) 40
25. 安息日的主 / an xi ri de zhu(词曲: GT Lim) 32
26. 不再脆弱 / bu zai cui ruo(词曲: GT Lim) 31
27. 灿烂的明天 / can lan de ming tian(词曲: GT Lim) 30
28. / mei(词曲: GT Lim) 29
29. 飞机场 / fei ji chang(词曲: GT Lim) 28
30. 不见一人,只见耶稣 / bu jian yi ren, zhi jian ye su(词曲: 洪启元/ : 李叔运) 27 

2010 蒙福诗歌排名与票数 / 2010 Blessed Top Songs and no. of votes

1) 爸爸的小孩 / Father’s Child  - 词曲: GT Lim  (592 votes)

2)  一路走(福建)/ Along The Journey (Hokkien “Ci Loh Kiah”) - 词曲: GT Lim  (523 votes)

3) 真(福建)/ Sincere (Hokkien “Cin”) - 词曲: GT Lim   (434 votes)

4) 称颂主耶和华的圣名 / Baruch Hashem Adonai  (386 votes)

5) 争战属于耶和华 / The Battle Belongs To The Lord  - 词曲: Jamie Owen-Collins  (375 votes)

6) 唱唱唱 / Sing Sing Sing  - 词曲: Chris Tomlin  (347 votes)

7) 祢的话 / Thy Word - 词曲: Rich Mullins  (343 votes)

8)  我不明白祢(福建)/ I Don’t Understand You (Hokkien “Gua Beh Beng Pek Li”) - 词曲: GT Lim   (329 votes)

9) 高分贝的赞美 / High-powered Praise  - 词曲: David Koh  (310 votes)

10) 回到伊甸园 / Return To Eden  - 词: GT Lim,曲: DDQ  (265 votes)

11) 快乐 / Happy - 词: GT Lim,曲: Jaydon Joo  (218 votes)

12) 上帝了解我 / Tuhan Peduli  - 词曲: Jonathan Prawira  (186 votes)

13) 牵我的手(福建)/ Hold My Hand (Hokkien “Khan Gua E Chiu”) - 词曲: GT Lim  (178 votes)

14) 呼求 / Crying Out  (145 votes)

15) 轻烟 / A Mist - 词曲: GT Lim  (106 votes)

16) 在我这个世代 / In My Generation (97 votes)

17) 尊贵王 / Majesty - 词曲: Delirious  (93 votes)

18) 我神真伟大 / How Great Is Our God - 词曲: Chris Tomlin  (71 votes)

19) 不是梦 / Not A Dream - 词曲: GT Lim  (67 votes)

20) 蒙召为此 / Called For This - 词: 彼前2:21-25,曲: GT Lim  (56 votes)


2001-2008 蒙福诗歌排行榜。。。 2001-2008 Blessed Top 20 favourite songs

以下是 2001-2008 的前二十名供你们参考和了解,下一篇会登2009年的前二十名,和推荐一些2010年的新歌供你参考,但那并不表示你一定要投票给新歌,你的最爱可以是一些教会已经很少唱的老歌。





It’s that time of the year when you vote for your favourite Christian songs…
The following are the Top20 for 2001-2008 for your references and understanding, my next post will be on the Top20 for 2009 and introducing to you some of the new songs in 2010 for your reference too, but that does not mean you must vote for new songs, your favourites can also be old songs that are seldom sung in church nowadays.

Every year there will be new songs entering the chart, and they will often be the top few songs, but there are also some old songs which are constantly in the chart, have you noticed which these old songs are? Haha!

Next Sunday 26th, we will distribute to you the voting slips, please start thinking as to which FIVE songs are your favourites and have touched your heart this year, write them down clearly and vote together in church on that day itself, the result will be announced during our Thanksgiving Night on the 31st…

Apart from voting for your own five favourite songs, you must also observe and guess which THREE songs you think might emerge the top three songs of our church this year… if you guessed correctly in the right order, you will win a prize!Also, as long as you have voted, you will stand a chance to win lucrative prizes during the prize-draw on 31st night… so you must vote!

Alright, let’s see which the favourite songs are all these years!



















美丽脸孔让你忘记疲惫。。。 Lovely faces that drive your weariness away…


I rushed back on the evening of Nov 27th from West Malaysia, slept for barely four hours that night, and had to rush to the sports ground at 6:30am to take charge of our Blessed Family Fun day…
Dragging my weary body and half asleep mind, it was no easy feat, I prayed to God for strength that I could be full of life and excitement to lead everyone to rejoice together!


Honestly, to force yourself to get up was not an easy thing; and to try to get excited when your body and mind were both exhausted was not a simple thing too…
But when you arrived there and saw these beautiful faces, all your weariness would vanish into thin air straight away!


Our church can be considered as one that is “very busy” with many programmes and activities… whether for the elderly, adults, youths and young people, children, we do try our best to organize some activities to make everyone feel belonged, to have an opportunity to know each other, and to joyfully become one family…
See everyone, at the break of dawn, gathering and waiting together excitedly…


With a church like this, can you not be touched and working hard for them?