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田圣他没跳,因为。。。 Daniel was not jumping because…

Ya, you all are right, of the four Remnant, the only one who was not jumping was Daniel, so very obvious!


But as to why he did not join in the jumping fun, most of your answers are rather accurate too, so it seems you all do quite know the background of our “mysterious” Mr. Cool…
Actually both times were as Rambo had said, Daniel was escaping from the scorching European sun…

The first time was at the seaside in Portugal, he walked very quickly to the beach and hid under some rock…


The second time was at the little train station where the train takes you up the hill for a tour…

But some of your answers are quite true too… For example…

(1) eunice says: 他懒得开口,也许也是懒得跳咯。。。不然,就是觉得很无聊。。。
( He is lazy to open his mouth, so perhaps lazy to jump as well… or he thought it was very silly… )
(2) 翠微 says: 田圣哈?他站边看热闹咯。他那么酷,那里会作这样释放的动作呢。。。
( Daniel? Standing at the side to watch all the excitement. He is so cool, he surely wouldn’t do such a wild act…)
(3) Alison says: I agree with what Chui Wei had said, Daniel just stood on one side and watched with a tiny bit of smile on his ‘Cool” face…
(4) Shirley Ngu(吴太) says: 我猜。。。田圣是懒得拍照,这动作他不想拍,又或是他在很专注的思考,或是在发呆。。呵呵~~
( I guess… Daniel was too lazy to take picture, or he was not keen on such action, or he was in deep thought or was simply day-dreaming…)
(5) sarah says: …I think may be he is too shy to jump le…^^
(6) ESTHER CHIANG says: 我猜“田聖”想其師“林牧師”都沒跳像他們那個樣子,那他干嘛跳。。。
( I guess Daniel thought, his master Pastor Lim was not jumping like them, then why should he…)
(7) chung yi says: 他在找最適合他的場景,但找不到有一絲絲朦朧美的畫面符合他的形象。
( He was looking for a more suitable scenery but could not find one enchantingly beautiful place to suit his image.)
(8)最不可能的原因是这个/ The most unlikely reason is this:chiew fung says: He sings lah…. (他在唱歌。。。)
(9) 其实还有一个原因,记得这张照片吗,火车冲过来的时候拍的?
Actually there was one more reason, remember this photo that was taken when the train was coming right towards the target?

…at that time, Daniel was in charge of cleaning up the mess…
(You noticed the black plastic bag he was holding?)

跳的艺术。。。 The art of jumping…

After seeing my beautiful jump, so many controversies resulted accusing that it is fake, computer effect etc… sigh! How wicked human hearts are!

291-1208Fa (6)


Ok, ok! Rather than feeling so jealous of me the whole day, why not learn from me the art of jumping! Since I’m in a good mood today, I’ll ask my students to teach you some artistic jumping skills for free!

When you first start to learn, don’t be too ambitious and jump too high, just let one leg leave the ground first (see the guy at the back)… If you are afraid and wanna
cry like the guy in front, that’s very normal, you will adjust slowly…


(2) 你看,胜过恐惧,跳得很高,肚脐都跑出来了。。。后面那个,奇怪?怎么还是只是一只脚起来?
See, after overcoming the initial fear, you can jump very high, even exposing your belly button… but the guy at the back, strange… how come still only one leg in the air?


(3)会越练越进步,你如果像天才阿Hen那么有观察力,很会注意角度、动作等等,跟上面一张比,你会知道他们有进步:1. 肚脐和肚子露得更明显了;2. 后面的虽然右脚还是不离地,但是左脚和
You will improve as you practise more. If you are like Genius Hen who is so observant noticing the anlges, movements etc, and compare the photo above, you will
notice that they have improved: 1. The belly button and tummy are more obvious now; 2. and the guy at the back, though the right leg is still on the ground, the left leg
and hands are lifted higher now!


Sometimes it helps to have a different partner, see the guy at the back, finally he has improved, now he can jump higher and the belly button is showing too!


The guy in front can jump very well and is very natural, but he is not my student, he was born with it… but the guy behind seems to have become a bit cuckoo…


But must be careful with this game, because you can get addicted and start jumping all over the place!


No regard for safety, jumping above railway tracks even, really not suitable for children!


And you can become fiercer and crazier as you jump… just look at Jaydon’s face, compared with the 1st photo, like two entirely different persons!


This guy is the craziest, let me emphasize, he is not my student… this picture was taken when the train was rushing towards him, after that we didn’t take any more


那宝贵照片的故事:我的第一套西装。。。 Story of that precious photo: My first suit ever…


Yes, this photo is really very memorable to me and it is the only copy that I have… When I could not find it a while ago, I was a bit worried so I prayed and finally I found it, thank God!
Then why is this photo so special? Some of you guessed right…




It was really taken when I participated in my first singing competition ever, I was only in Primary 5 then, not even 11 years old completely. I don’t know where I got the information and courage to register for the adult singing competition myself.
I think the orgainising committee only prepared prizes for the first three positions initially, but seeing my commendable courage and probably thinking I was small and cute, they just found some envelope to put a RM10 note inside for me as a consolation prize, haha…
I remember I sang a song from the veteran singer Liu Wen Zheng called “The highest peak” and became famous overnight in our small town Limbang, haha! Did you notice in the photo some big brothers and sisters were smiling as I sang, they probably found me very cute, haha!

But this photo has another more significant reason why it is so important, special and touching to me that I treasure it so much, and that is the suit I was wearing was my first suit ever…
We were very poor when young, we could only afford to have new clothes once a year during Chinese new year, but my dad happened to be a tailor and he loved me a lot… when he knew I was in the competition, without me requesting, he tailor-made for me this suit and brought me to shop for a neck tie and helped me to put on the tie himself. He dressed me up properly to go and sing that night. My dad was not an expressive person but I will never forget that day, I knew he loved me so much and was so proud of me… unfortunately he is not able to read this story today…

So you now know why this photo means so much to me?


Later when I was studying in the transition class in secondary school (12 year-old plus), I joined another competition, and my dad tailor-made another suit for me! He really did love me a lot…
This time I won a consolation prize again, haha! And I overheard an adult saying he could sing better than me but he did not win any prize all because he lost out to my suit!
My second singing contest and second suit…


Later I came out to Kuching to study as my sisters were supporting me, so I did not live with my parents then.
When I was in Form 5, I joined another singing contest… this time dad was not around, so no one made any suit for me… and in this competition, I was kicked out after the first round, haha! This had nothing to do with wearing a suit or no suit, it was all because I actually could not sing very well! I dared to join singing competitions when young because my dad believed in me and tailor-made suits for me to encourage me… God is really like a dad to me too, knowing I can’t quite sing and yet He made me a Gospel singer! How great is the love of a father!

My third singing competition… no suit… and no prize too…