
Day 7 : 禁食日记 / Fasting Diary




我很会做梦。我是属于那种一睡着就马上做梦的,那怕是睡五分钟,也会做梦。所以,我一向来不是很认真看待 我的梦;然而,有一些梦境在我脑海留下深刻印象、挥之不去,那时,我就会祷告问上帝是否要透过这梦境启示什么。事实是,异梦也可以是上帝跟人说话的其中一 种方式。而且,自大学时期开始,我已向神求解梦的恩赐,倘若那梦是来自神的话。



Day 7 : Oct 9th (Sun)

Is it a dream, an imagination or a vision…?
Whatever it is, speak to me, O Lord!

I dream a lot. I am the type to start dreaming as soon as I fall asleep, even if it is just a 5-minute sleep, I would also dream. So, I never take my dreams seriously. However, certain dreams are very vivid and stay in my mind, then I would ask God whether He is trying to reveal something to me through those dreams. The fact is, spiritual dreams can also be one way God speaks to us. And since I was at university, I had prayed to God to give me the gift to interpret dreams, if the dreams are from Him.

Acts 2:17:
“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see
visions,  your old men will dream dreams.”

Looks like I am under the “old men” category, haha…


自 从那一晚梦见与主同行、交谈过后,我就很认真问上帝这四十天内,他是不是要透过异梦给我启示。其实,那一晚过后,我还有别的梦,只是有一些我不太确定是异 梦还是自己。昨晚也不例外,我梦见我到了一个很多华人民间信仰的“妖魔鬼怪”的地方,感觉会爆发争斗。起初,感觉自己单枪匹马要抵挡这一群鬼怪,后来也有 几位弟兄姐妹出现。还没很激烈争斗的时候,我醒来了。



Since the dream that night of me walking and chatting with Jesus, I very seriously asked the Lord whether He is going to speak to me through dreams within these 40 days. The truth is, after that night, I continued to have some more dreams, just I am uncertain about some of them being spiritual or just myself. Last night was no exception. I dreamt that I went to a place where there were many “monsters” from Chinese superstitious beliefs, and I felt as though there was going to be a fight. Initially I felt i had to fight these monsters alone, but later some other brothers and sisters appeared too. Before the battle became fierce, I woke up.

I thought it was almost daybreak but the clock showed 3:23am only!
So I thought in my heart, God, are You wanting me to pray about something?
Two thoughts came to my mind then:
1) Pray for my cousin, Dorcas SG who is fighting a spiritual battle alone at home now. Her parents are superstitious and still believe in demonic power.
2) From this week onward, the church must be more united and geared up to pray for those deep in superstition and bound and deceived by demons.

So, let us continue to fast and pray in one accord, Amen!









Day 6 : 禁食日记 / Fasting Diary







Day 5 : Oct 8th (Sat)

Sometimes, do you feel tired when your giving does not see due return?
Sometimes, do you feel like not continuing when your love is not appreciated?
Sometimes, do you feel like stopping when you do not seem to be blessed despite your blessing others all the time…?

Galatians 6:9-10 say:
“Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers.”

The other day I read a very meaningful quote that goes something like this:
“Blessed are those who give without remembering, and receive without forgetting.”

let us continue to learn…
Fasting and praying for souls, for the country and for others may seem “unrewarding”, but in God’s eyes, it is very precious!

Day 5 : 禁食日记 / Fasting Diary







“我 受 苦 是 與 我 有 益 , 為 要 使 我 學 習 你 的 律 例 。”


Day 5 : Oct 7th (Fri)

I had a strange but unique dream last night… I believe it has to do with our fasting this time…
Spiritual dreams, though not very often, I did have some in the past. However, the one last night was the first time ever.

I dreamt I was taking a walk with Jesus and chatting with Him, felt like something very ordinary with a very familiar friend, but a certain scene repeated at least twice…
In the dream, we went to some very ordinary places, talked on very ordinary topics, it was in this world and this age. I believe Jesus is trying to tell me He is there in our everyday living, very much involved in our ordinary life…

The final scene was the one that repeated a few times. We reached a place and the Lord said He was to be arrested and tortured. Then from the side I saw Him being bound by people with modern methods, chained to the ground losing all His freedom, preparing to suffer… His head turned towards me to look at me, His eyes were filled with love. He told me He had to go through this, just for us… I cried uncontrollably in my dream, I was kneeling all the time and could not stop crying till I woke up from my dream… The dream was very real…

As I was sharing this after leading the noon-time prayer, I felt like crying again when I talked about that scene. I could feel the love of Jesus, His sacrifice and laying down everything for us, even to suffer and die. And now, for our spiritual breakthrough, learning to love the Lord more and also to pray for souls to be saved, we are fasting 40 days, what is this little “suffering” as compared to the Lord’s…?

“It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees. ”
~Psalm 119:71~