
Day 4 : 禁食日记 / Fasting Diary




“神啊,你是我的 神!我要切切地寻求你;在乾旱疲乏无水之地,我渴想你,我的心切慕你。。。


Day 4 : Oct 6th (Thur)

Thirst or hunger makes people feel weak, unable to concentrate on doing things, bad mood, unhappy, unsatisfied, no drive or
motivation… Without drinking or eating, there will not be pleasure in life, we will not enjoy living, and in more serious cases, you
may die!
Long period of fasting for 40 days gives you a greater sense of such feeling. I believe God wants us to transfer this very real and practical feeling to Him, i.e. without Him, all the conditions above will appear! May after these 40 days, our longing and desire for God will be similar to this desire for food…

“You, God, are my God, earnestly I seek you; I thirst for you, my whole being longs for you, in a dry and parched land where there is no water… because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.”
~ Psalm 63:1&3~

**Yes, indeed, when we are willing, for spiritual things or the kingdom of God, to give up the food we need to survive, we have basically begun to learn “because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you.”


Day 3 : 禁食日记 / Fasting Diary



Day 3: Oct 5th (Wed)
Since our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, meaning, the house of the Holy Spirit, then He is the house owner. So whatever that needs to be thrown away, repaired, decorated etc is the owner’s decision and work. As we are no longer the owner, we do not have the right to simply do anything to the house, that means it is no longer our own hard work or thinking or whatever that can change ourselves, we should just hand over to the Holy Spirit Himself to decide and do the work or instruct us.




Another thing, while praying for God to heal or give us health, we must realize too many times our physical condition is related to our eating or living habits. Therefore, even if God has really healed us, after a while we might damage this “temple” again with our bad dieting habit… But old habits die hard, how can we change our years of eating habits and lifestyle, that is no easy feat. However, since this house now belongs to the Holy Spirit, pray the Holy Spirit come and work and let Him adjust our interests and preferences etc, that without realizing, we have already developed a preference and enjoyment for healthy and nutritious food, etc…
This is definitely possible, speaking from experience!


(先聲明這不是神學噢!)Once there was an obese pastor weighing above 150kg I should think, but later reduced to about 65, and now wearing trendy clothes. I asked him how he did it.
He said he just looked at pictures of some models and proclaimed by faith saying: I claim that in Jesus’ name!
Then God started to work and his dieting habit started to change naturally!
Wow, can you actually do that??!!
So I learnt from him, and the result is… what say you?
So are you thinking of learning too? Hahaha!!
(By the way, this is no theology!)

Day 2 : 禁食日记 / Fasting Diary


耶穌說:”你們上去吧。。。我現在不上去,因為我的時候還沒有滿。” ~約7:8~


Day 2 : Oct 4th (Tue)
The verse that spoke to me in the morning:
Jesus said : “You go… I am not yet going, because for me the right time has not yet come.” ~John7:8~

** This makes me realize that for many things, especially important decisions, including serving God, things ought to be done, good things etc… we need to wait for God’s timing. Sometimes our inability to wait would spoil something good, and even God’s original plan for us…


The conviction I received while leading the noon-time prayer today:
Instead of thinking all the time about “how many more days of hunger do I still have to go through”, we should think about and pray as to what we want to experience these 40 days, pray that we experience everyday something new and God’s reality, and that He will speak to us in all sorts of ways. With this kind of expectation, you will not be affected by the hunger of your flesh…
And ask God to make these 40 days the beginning of our life-long entering into His presence everyday~